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Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

Make public speaking events a priority in your strategic communications plan.  Enhance your skills in reaching an audience to share meaningful information about your work: make a lasting impression, invite more participation, call people to action.  Speaking competently to a group of people doesn't have to feel daunting or nerve-wracking; it should be generous, joyful, and positively empowering for everyone in the room.  

Whether you are a seasoned public speaker working to refine your skills, or you have cleverly avoided public speaking your whole life, Kendra provides coaching services that will ensure your confidence in the whole process and give you the tools to inspire your audience.   

Public Speaking Workshops

Harnessing the Butterflies: Public Speaking with Clarity & Confidence (1- or 2-day professional development workshop) Participants complete this workshop with a renewed confidence in the entire public speaking process: from audience-analysis and speech construction to the final applause and self-assessment. Participants have multiple opportunities to practice their speech material with the benefit of a highly supportive audience and personal recordings. The session pays special attention to anxiety management and crafting a brief “elevator speech” that does justice to your important work. You will complete this session with powerful strategies to (1) harness those butterflies, (2) promote your important work, and (3) give your audience a generous gift: a memorable, valuable presentation.

The Public Speaker’s Toolkit (2-3 hours) Need a quick recap of all the tools to build and deliver a great speech? This is a fast, interactive session designed to sharpen a few essential skills.

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Everyday Writing for the Professional

We can all use another pair of eyes on our writing and daily electronic communication.  With years of writing and editing experience, Kendra can advise you in your professional written communication.  Get immediate feedback and versatile tips for writing that is more efficient, consistent, and concise.

Writing Workshops

Graceful Grammar & Punchy Punctuation: Better Everyday Writing (full day) This dynamic class session is packed with quick and memorable tips for achieving message clarity, superior grammar and punctuation, managing email, and committing to thoughtfulness in the tasks of daily written communication. No snoozy diagramming sentences here; this is a fast, dare we say fun, approach to reader-centered writing and editing. Bring your latest written project for some immediate feedback, too.

Everyday Editing (half-day) This workshop allows you to get feedback and practice for your internal and external written communication including custom-designed internal editing strategies for more reader-centered writing.

The Adventurous Communication Series: Short, Practical Sessions for Our Most Challenging Interpersonal Work

Each session runs for around two hours and can stand alone or serve as part of a longer workshop or ongoing series for you or your team.  The strategies and resources are personalized, practical, and intended to be a part of life-long learning. You may choose to focus on

  • identity, difference, diversity, inclusion, belonging

  • civility and dialogue

  • listening as leadership

  • language and meaning

  • emotions in the moment

  • power dynamics and gate-keeping

  • calling out vs. calling in: productive feedback

  • we don’t like each other, now what?

  • empathy, sympathy, and apologies

  • group and organizational culture

  • meetings that don’t make you miserable

  • interpersonal communication online

When it comes to most of our everyday interactions, there’s no such thing as “effective communication.”  Humans and our tools for communication are too complicated to be described as effective or ineffective.  The best we can do is stay curious, reflective, compassionate, and thoughtful the next time we connect. This work can be challenging and humbling. Sometimes it requires a sense of adventure.  Let’s go!

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See detailed summary of each workshop here, or contact Kendra to get started.

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Your Options

Consider these options to take your communication skills to the next level:

  • personalized, one-on-one coaching to help see personal goals or a spoken or written project through to success

  • a small group workshop, customized for your business or organization

  • a small group workshop open to the public in your community

  • inviting Kendra to speak at your next training or event

Please also inquire about group facilitation and emcee services.